Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Russians Refuse to Shake Obama’s Hand

In the last news cycle there were a lot of stories written about Barack Obama’s visit to Russia. But one story that didn’t appear anywhere
in the American media (that I saw) was about the Russian leaders
refusing to shake Obama’s hand.

Watch this 10-second video where a lineup of leading Russians
refuse to shake his hand. Did you see this on ABC, CBS, NBC,
CNN or MSNBC? This is “hard ball”, Soviet Style. After the
third handshake refusal… it becomes obvious. The facial expression
is priceless. “I guess we’re no longer in Chicago”. And, how in the world did Katie Couric,
Charlie Gibson, Diane Sawyer, et al, miss this? If it had been Bush, think the media would cover it? It’s
called American censorship! Anyone ever seen a Head of State
snubbed like this? Speaks volumes.

Source : Zurmat.com

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