What is GPRS?

Posted by ADMIN On 12:42 AM
GPRS stands for General Packet Radio Service and is a second generation (2G) and third generation (3G)--or sometimes refered to as in-between both generations, 2.5G--wireless data service that extends GSM data capabilities for Internet access, multimedia messaging services, and early mobile Internet applications via the wireless application protocol (WAP), as well as other wireless data services.

GPRS was one of the earliest cell phone data access technologies, and more widespread particularly in Europe and Asia, though it was adopted by carriers in North America, such as Rogers in Canada and T-Mobile in the US.

2G (second generation) GPRS service had data rates of 56-114 kbit/second to dial-up modem speeds.

GPRS wireless networks were later enhance faster 3G (third generation) throughput speeds. T-Mobile's EDGE (enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution), for example, delivers up to 4 times the GPRS rate.

Both GPRS and Edge, however, are quickly being surpassed by even faster 4G (fourth generation) mobile data networks.

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