How to backup your Network Settings

Posted by ADMIN On 9:02 AM
Windows XP has a handy utility by which you can backup your network settings and restore them at any time.

Backup your Network Settings

1. Start > Accessories > System Tools > Backup. Welcome to Backup or Restore wizard will appear.
2. On the backup and restore page, make sure backup files and settings is selected.
3. On what to backup page, select let me choose what to backup and click next.
4. Expand my computer on the items to backup page and select system state. You can backup your files and folders at the same time by selecting those folders.

5. Click the browse button and select the backup destination with at least 1500 MB free available space. You can save the backup to the my documents folder if you are only taking backup of your network settings.
6. After completing the backup process click finish.

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